Press release improve Google ranking

How Does Press Release Help Improve Your Google Ranking?

Key considerations for determining how a press release can help improve your Google ranking and increase brand visibility and online sales.

Top 20 newspapers Thailand

Top 20 Newspapers in Thailand

Before beginning on putting together your media outreach campaign, it’s essential to get a perspective on the Thailand newspapers landscape.

SEO agency Bangkok Thailand

SEO Agency in Bangkok, Thailand

SEO Agency in Bangkok doesn’t need to be expensive to achieve your inbound search success! Get your SEO performance on point.

Bangkok Motor Show Public Relations

Bangkok Motor Show Public Relations

Whether you’re planning to steal the show at Bangkok Motor Show in Thailand, there are many things you can do to punch above your weight.

Talk show style event

Talk Show Style Media Event

Think of the popular US-style talk shows you’ve seen on TV, and you will notice components which make them entertaining and authentic.

Product seeding

Send Products to Influencers for Review

Gemini provides product seeding, uses data tools and machine learning to do the curation so we know our data is up to date and accurate.

Snapchat vs instagram

Snapchat vs Instagram for Businesses

Instagram Stories evolved from Snapchat to share with your followers short-lived photographs and videos that would evaporate in 24 hours.

Thailand kols marketing

Traditional Ads Are No Longer Effective

One of the reasons that businesses are resorting to KOLs marketing is that traditional marketing approaches no longer function.

Rebranding Thailand

Change Your Brand Through Rebranding

Rebranding marks the start of a new chapter, but if not handled appropriately, it might have negative consequences.

What is news release

What Is a News Release and Why Do They Matter?

A news release is no longer just used to promote new products or services; they are also used to boost your business online visibility.

Instagram public relations

How to Use Instagram to Boost PR Campaigns?

Is it worth your time and effort to create an Instagram business account? Here are a few strategies to help you expand your company on IG.

PR trends 2022

3 Major Trends in PR and Communications

Learn about the three major PR trends that you should be aware of as a public relations and communication professional in the current era

K-pop marketing Thailand

Marketing Lessons from K-pop Music Industry

How effective K-pop music has been in taking something quirky and regional and growing it to become an international phenomenon?

Building trust and engagement

Building Trust and Engagement

Businesses have to make effective use of their capacity to share their narrative, building trust and engagement with their clientele.

Conversions through communication

Conversions through Communication

Companies who are able to emphasise conversions through communication can get a competitive advantage in today's market.

Brand messaging Thailand

The Concise Guide to Effective Brand Messaging

Develop audience capture and media sources access by using engaging brand messaging that is succinct and crystal clear throughout.

Measuring public relations

Data and Reporting Media Results

There is a great deal in proving KPI delivery, but are there valid techniques for measuring public relations efficacy?

SaaS PR agency Thailand

PR Strategies for Software as a Service Companies

When SaaS employ effective PR strategies, they reap the benefits of increased brand awareness, media attention, and recruit customers.

PR retainer contract

What Should Include a PR Retainer Contract?

Are you looking for creative PR campaign inspiration but hit a brick wall? Here are some effective methods for brainstorming innovative ideas.

Publicity Thailand

Utilizing Public Relations in Order to Promote Oneself

Publicity is an essential PR instrument for assisting businesses in improving their outwards appearance profile in the public eye.

Beauty PR agency Thailand

Beauty PR Campaign Strategy

Gemini PR Beauty agency helps brands capture the attention of their target audience and differentiate themselves from the competition.

Word-of-mouth marketing

Word of Mouth Marketing Strategies

Even while there has always been word of mouth marketing, because to the advent of technologies, it has grown a lot more sophisticated.

PR for small business

Why Entrepreneurs Invest in Public Relations?

We've compiled a list of do' and don'ts of PR for small business for the creation of your successful public relations strategy.

Fintech PR agency Thailand

Promote New Financial Technology Products

Gemini Fintech PR agency will help you to promote new products with strategic communication, media relations and SEO content marketing.

Influencer campaign thailand

Pitch Deck for an Influencer Campaign

Create an influencer campaign for your next promotional efforts while connecting with your target audience in a real and authentic way.

Customer testimonials

Making Effective Use of Customer Reviews

The success is dependent first and foremost on receiving customer reviews that guides business development or service enhancement.

Metaverse communication

Metaverse: Overview for Corporates

Develop new ways of communicating with your audience in virtual places, by experimenting with the newly emerged metaverse.

Press kits Thailand

Press Kits that Work for Brands in Thailand

Most organisations have realised the benefits of selecting Gemini PR to send out traditional and online press kits at a lower overall cost.

Brand awareness Thailand

Brand Awareness – How PR Makes You Stand Out?

Increasing your brand awareness and recognition is a critical first step toward achieving your business and marketing objectives.

Blog content marketing Thailand

Creating Unique Content Marketing for Blog

Get advice on how CEOs should use blog content marketing and social media to drive conversions and position themselves as industry leaders.

Communications plan thailand

Creating an Effective Communications Plan

A communications plan is crucial for every brand or business that want to communicate effectively with its audience and refining its image.

Niche marketing Thailand

How to Capture your Market Niche?

Doing niche marketing and presenting yourself as the go-to brand for a certain audience is an excellent strategy for online success.

Brand ambassadors influencers

Brand Ambassadors vs. Influencers

What distinguishes influencers from brand ambassadors, and what are the key differences when it comes to marketing purposes?

PR agency Bangkok

How to Choose a Bangkok PR Agency?

Gemini is a full-service PR agency in Bangkok that partners with brands to help them define and achieve their strategic public relation goals.

Media list Thailand

How to Target the Right Media?

Targeting the right media list in Thailand is a key component in the success of your media communications strategy for your business.

Creative PR agency

How to Remain Creative Post Pandemic?

Are you looking for creative PR campaign inspiration but hit a brick wall? Here are some effective methods for brainstorming innovative ideas.

Public relations startups smes

Public Relations for Startups and SMEs

Good public relations for startups has never been more crucial in today's Thailand competitive markets, both traditional and digital.

Tiktok marketing strategy

How to Create a TikTok Marketing Strategy?

A TikTok marketing strategy should be developed to maximize audience reach, engagement capture and brand recognition.

PR plan PR campaign

Differences between PR Plan and PR Campaign

The distinction between PR plan and PR campaigns is not as clear as it appears certainly not to who may well be uninitiated with the process.

Inbound marketing strategy

Components of Inbound Marketing Strategy

Inbound marketing is a strategy that utilizes many forms of pull marketing to create brand awareness and attract new business.

Media kit Thailand

PR Essentials when Creating a Media Kit?

A media kit serves as a style guide for anyone looking to tell your story. It can also improve media relations and boost chances of coverage.

Rebranding hotels Thailand

Hotels rebranding in Thailand Post Covid

If you plan hotels rebranding in Thailand and preparing to re-open post COVID-19, you’ll need to factor in these changing user preferences.

Webinars in Thailand

Webinars and Virtual Events

Webinars require planning and preparation. Host a successful webinar by engaging industry experts and reaching the right audiences.

Lifestyle PR Thailand

Promoting Lifestyle Brands using PR

Lifestyle PR seeks to demonstrate an understanding of the target consumer's lifestyle and the products that fit that lifestyle.


Media Training: Preparing for Interview

Media training can help you develop the ability to deliver a great speech, and be able to interact effectively with the media.

advertising public relations

Advertising vs Public Relations

When most people hear advertising and PR they assume they mean the same thing. In reality, there is a significant difference.

Leveraging storytelling public relations

Storytelling: How to Leverage in PR?

Storytelling conveys feelings and emotional experiences. This makes them both educational and entertaining, and captivating in many ways.

Preparing for media interview

Preparing for Media Interview in Thailand

Media interview might be intimidating, but with the correct preparation, it becomes much simpler to take advantage of these opportunities.

Social media marketing Thailand

Social Media Marketing in Thailand

Businesses that use social media as part of effective campaigns can reap many benefits in terms of marketing tactics.

Media coverage Thailand

What Makes Good Media Coverage?

Good media coverage is about offering value to your audience, engaging with them, and sharing your brand's narrative.

Thought leadership marketing

Thought Leadership Marketing

Thought leadership is a strategy used to establish credibility by being recognized as a key resource in one's profession.

Promotional campaign Thailand

Setting Effective Promotional Goals

An effectively organised promotional campaign can have a very long-lasting impact on a company's public image and reputation.

pr strategy brand campaign

PR Strategy and Brand Campaigns

Read our PR strategy and brand campaigns guide to increase your company's sales and consumer loyalty in Thailand.

Brands and metaverse

Brands And The Metaverse In Thailand

One of the emerging areas of interest for brands looking to expand the scope of their customer engagement activities is in metaverse and NFTs.

Digital storytelling B2B brands

Digital Storytelling for B2B Brands

When preparing a content strategy through digital storytelling, it can initially appear to be much easier for a lifestyle-oriented brand.

Bloggers exposure Thailand

How to Leverage Bloggers’ Exposure?

Bloggers in Thailand play an important role in communicating their insights and specialist knowledge on a hugely diverse range of subjects.

Chinese PR agency Thailand

Chinese Speaking PR Agency in Thailand — 你好

We’ve recently added Chinese language editing capacity to our internal team to meet the increasingly diversifying needs of our expanding client base.

Cryptocurrency PR agency

Cryptocurrency PR Agency for New Gen of Players

Thailand is currently a hot destination for the regional administration of new alternative currency platform coin offerings.

Online communication Thailand

What Should Include Online Communication?

We could say for the convenience of explanation that 85% to 98% of our efforts are directed via digital only communications outreach.

Brand positioning

What is Good Brand Positioning?

The answer depends primarily on whether you consider your communications to be lumped largely into business or lifestyle?

Mistake writing press release

Common Mistakes when Writing a Press Release

There are a number of things that are necessary to ensure your release obtains optimum communications efficacy.

Media value irrelevant KPI

Why has Media Value Become an Irrelevant KPI?

We measure media value because we are required to do so, but to us, there are much more important real-world indicators and ‘true to life’ KPIs.

Ethical PR Thailand

Ethical PR: A Virtuous Communication Strategy

We have 3 tips that will help set you on the course of communicating what can be some of the most important and powerful aspects of your communication strategy: Ethical PR.

PR campaign Thailand

How to Build a Successful PR Campaign?

Ah, the eternal question which has haunted marketers since the dawn of the industry …

Outsource copywriting Thailand

Why Outsource Copywriting to Experts?

Do you outsource your content creation, and what kind of results do you get across different types of communication pillars and objectives?

Social media strategy Thailand

5 Tips for Effective Social Media Content

Do you ever feel overwhelmed with the many digital and social channels available for your messaging? Not sure where to begin? This is a great place to get you started!