Rebranding is an exciting and demanding stage in the life of a brand. It marks the start of a new chapter for the brand, but if not handled appropriately, it might have negative consequences.

Customers may feel the brand has simply gone out of business, or they may lack faith in the new brand since new management may be involved in the rebranding process, perhaps resulting in modifications to their favorite items, promotional schemes, etc.

A rebrand occurs when a company wholescale changes the key aspects of its narrative, image or core assets that comprised the previous brand, and adds new or updated core elements with which to connect with its audience.

Top Tips on rebranding an organization

Rebranding Thailand

A New Narrative To Connect With Your Audience

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01. Begin from within

Most businesses concentrate their rebranding efforts on winning over consumers, the media, and the general public. Companies should however typically start their rebranding efforts by looking on the inside. Allow no one, not even contracted janitors, to learn about the change in the news. Prepare everyone engaged with the organization to ensure that the process runs well and that workers and partners support it. Ensure all internal comms are approved by management before they are exposed to being leaked, lost outside, etc.

Under the same premise that customers fear new names from new management, many employees may plan to skip out on the brand, or impatiently leave to avoid unintended job loss anyway. It can be an unsettling time. Employees must be reassured by employers, because employees that are certain and confident are less likely to transfer any uncertainty onto consumers.

02. Do not give up

After working hard to establish familiarity with one brand, starting from scratch with another may be intimidating for even the most seasoned businessman. It’s also potentially exhausting and expensive. One of the easiest strategies to ensure a smooth process is to avoid giving up everything all at once (progressive transformation).

Another option to maintain consistency is to keep some of the colors, typefaces, pictures, or other memorable bits of the logo or any other visual item commonly associated with the previous brand. If the mission stays unchanged, some businesses may choose to preserve the tagline too, which can help with overall continuity.

03. Get the creative juices running

While continuity is vital, individuals do not rebrand a firm in order to keep it the same, even if they have recently purchased it. Rebranding is the ideal time to be more creative and offer something fresh and improved to the table. It should provide internal and external clients the impression that the change is not just different, but also better.

To do this, the brand may benefit from employing a new creative team or a few contract workers to shake things up and get the creative juices flowing. We enjoy being partners to organizations which are refreshing their customer promise, and PR agencies are often called in at this time.

Rebranding allows a firm to do what it has always intended to do under a new name and image. Companies, on the other hand, should be careful not to stray too far from their initial image, since this may drive both consumers and staff to abandon ship. Brands should think about rebranding in phases so that all parties involved may develop with the firm as it transforms into something new.

04. Successful rebranding campaign creating

Rebranding is a marketing technique that encompasses updating a brand’s corporate image by developing a new name, logo, symbol, and any other visual assets and marketing materials. The purpose of a campaign of this sort is to instil a fresh and distinct identity in the minds of the target audience, prospects, workers, investors, rivals, and the general public.

Companies invest much in branding because they recognize how important a brand’s identity is and that businesses can only become powerful brands if they have consistent branding. A strong brand, on the other hand, does not rely just on its logo or name, as the complete brand encompasses how potential and loyal consumers experience the firm itself.

To remain competitive, businesses must update their branding as well. There are several reasons why firms seek rebranding initiatives, whether the brand has grown to the point where the aesthetic no longer speaks to the company’s goods or beliefs, or it is aiming to extend its commercial scope.

05. Values, mission, and vision communication

The first three stages in launching a successful rebranding effort are to examine the company’s previous purpose, vision, and values. This is because the company must first identify what differentiates it in the market, the distinctive qualities it provides to customers, and the kind of messaging it has been marketing to customers.

When organizations want to pursue rebranding initiatives, these three characteristics are essential, and they’re a wonderful beginning point for establishing the new brand.

06. Strategy for rebranding

The next stage is to develop a plan that is consistent with the company’s previous branding. Although it may appear to be much easier to just delete everything from the old logo and start from scratch, many businesses cannot afford to do so. As a result, most businesses opt to pursue partial rebranding, in which current brand assets may be included into the framework of the new brand strategy.

Consistent branding updates will help the organization boost its total value by reinforcing its market position. As a result, the company’s products or services will be regarded to be more valuable, attracting more consumers and enhancing retention rates.

07. Rebranding research

An effective rebranding effort also needs extensive research. The company must investigate its market competitors and what they are doing in order to determine what sets it different. It should also do market research on both the broader market and the target audience.

This is critical because firms that miss this phase frequently lose market share. During the research phase, the company may also test some, or perhaps all, of the new branding assets with the target demographic and customer base via focus groups. When pursuing the rebranding strategy, the firm will be certain of what will and will not work.

08. Color's importance in branding

Color is one of the first things that many people notice about their surroundings, which is one of the many reasons why color is so crucial in branding. Companies may use color to promote brand awareness and impact moods. Colors have a variety of different psychological effects that businesses may use in their operations and branding. For example, it’s impossible to think of Coca-Cola without immediately picturing the brand’s red logo, or of McDonald’s without picturing the characteristic yellow emblem.

09. Brand identification

Color is crucial for branding since it improves brand identification. For example, there are several bike-sharing and bike-rental organizations in cities all over the world these days. However, most people struggle to name at least one bike-sharing company in their local town. When most people think of bike-sharing, they think of color, which is why these firms have color-coded their applications. If people see green bikes all throughout town, they’ll be far more likely to hire a bike from the firm with the green app than any other color.

Because color is directly tied to identification and memory, it’s often simpler to recall than a name – especially if someone has only seen that hue once.

10. Perception

Many individuals are already aware that different colors may evoke different ideas and sentiments, and that corporations can represent different aspects of themselves via the use of color. Depending on the colors used to represent a brand, such colors can influence how people form their opinions of a firm.

11. Mood

Colors may impact people’s feelings in addition to perception. According to one common notion, McDonald’s iconic arches were created to induce feelings of hunger in customers through the use of yellow on a red background. Although this is simply a common belief, studies has shown that red may boost heart rates and excitement in humans, which can enhance hunger.

Companies who can harness these various impacts of color on people’s moods may then utilize color to instill sentiments in potential consumers, such as trust. As a result, customers, particularly those in the target market, may become more interested in the company’s products or services.

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