Our Press Conference Service Is The Best In The Business. And In Lifestyle

From conceptual plan and messaging design to full delivery and results

Media relation

Media Invitation &RSVP

Content marketing

Press KitDevelopment

Press conference

Media ManagementOn-site

Media interview

Executive Interview &Photoshoot

Virtual event

Event Broadcast &Streaming

Press release

Press Release &Distribution

Press Conference Services

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    Frequently Asked Questions

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    A press conference is a scheduled meeting between yourself and your other company
    representatives and spokespersons and journalists from various different media organisations. The types of media guest in attendance will depend on if your press conference is, A) a forced response to an unexpected situation, in which case you may well have more media guests than you could have imagined because they all want your comment on a breaking news story, or B) a press conference you’ve organised to get the word out about whatever is your key message or new service launch.

    99% of press conferences are the latter, and the first actually falls under the category of Crisis Response rather than the organisation of a proactive press conference.

    Press conference Thailand

    Media guests in attendance at your press conference are generally there because they have been invited to attend by the PR company. Gemini will handle all aspects of your press conference communication, including the media invitations, RSVP and final confirmation, as well as other presscon essentials like the full press release and post event photo release.

    Please reach out to discuss your requirements. Our standard fixed price package for a press conference or online press launch usually falls under the remit of the Live Online Events by GeminiTM product. Contact us via the form to check this meets your exact needs and communication requirements.

    Normally, during a significant media event, an MC will be appointed by the PR agency to lead proceedings and handle segments, interludes, and also provide Thai-English-Chinese translations as appropriate. Far from being just a pretty face with a microphone, the MC plays a key role by enabling the spokespersons of the client’s business to focus on the task at hand, which is to deliver their key messages to the media in attendance (or virtual attendance).

    For smaller events or where budget is limited, it is generally fine for staff of the business to introduce themselves or their panel discussion, keynote speech, Q&A section, etc. However, it’s generally strongly advised to have a detailed, accurate and well-planned (and well-written) “MC script” or event script to hand. This will explain the running order of the program, clearly explain to everyone involved the times and locations of where spokespersons need to be and for what, and also express clearly what should be said.

    The MC script or event script is slightly different to the Q&A. The latter document will list out 10-15 questions the media is likely to ask of your spokesperson, plus ideal responses (often bridging back to key messages, which is ideal in terms of communication clarity). A full MC script will also incorporate the Q&A as prepared by the PR firm, although it is valuable as a standalone document and one which is helpful going forward with other programs, too.

    This program delivery area is essentially the preserve of the PR firm, and it is a key responsibility in any PR plan which involves a media event. PR agencies have up-to-the-minute “media lists”, which contains all of the contact information and personal information of top tier, mid-tier and stakeholder media personnel at all of the different media organisations they work at. It is also stratified by content demographic, so it is possible to target just automotive journalists, or just golfing TV channels across APAC, for example.

    As part of the invitation process, each journalist on the target list for a specific event will receive a formal written invitation to the press conference digitally; they will also receive several reminder calls and RSVP follow-up confirmations between now and the event. They are also asked important questions such as for dietary requirements at hospitality events, or are furnished with detailed information on COVID compliance requirements where events are held in sensitive areas, like for example an airport or government or international NGO premises.

    This is a broad question with an answer that could easily fill several books. Public speaking can be intimidating and stressful, and can cause spokespersons significant distress even in the months leading up to their big speech, announcement or product launch.

    In terms of our operations as your PR agency of record, we do everything within our power to ensure you are as prepared as possible, and protected from eventualities. This means, in the first instance, exceptional event planning and delivery via our appointed event manager and/or venue (hotel, conference suite, broadcast room, etc).

    Anyone involved with the program will be given a detailed briefing book, which will contain a summary of the press conference and what will be discussed including key messages and overall theme, full agenda, full MC script, Q&A, media handling tips, and summary docs such as the press info sheet, spokesperson bios and a full press release. It is incumbent on us to make sure this is complete, accurate and is approved by the client across the board. If you have any concerns about how to speak at a press conference, we will go above and beyond to allay those fears for you.

    We will also be on-site to handle all technical aspects of the event delivery, including media guest and VIP guest registration mechanics, sound and light systems where applicable, and we will also fully brief venue staff and the MC. Where the event is to be live-cast, either because the press conference is fully online or it is a virtual event, we will handle all of the technical aspects including virtual registry and attendance. All of our efforts are to A) ensure your press conference goes swimmingly, and B) to reduce the stress on the spokespersons as much as possible. This stands you in the best possible stead of being able to speak at a press conference with impact, clarity and confidence.

    Typically between 20 minutes and one-and-a-half hours. We normally allow at least 30 minutes before “going live” so media guests can arrive and register with a degree of calm, enjoy refreshments and mingle with peers, so as to make the press conference as enjoyable as possible. The overall running length depends predominantly on how many people will speak and how many component sections we jointly plan to host. We may also have to encompass segments where an external video link is required, for example, with a hybrid event containing a virtual FAM, panel discussions, etc. We allow time for a useful Q&A, too, whilst also offering media the chance to interview you in person immediately following the press conference.

    Our team is experienced at delivering your press conference programs, as well as other Facebook Live-type casts such as product launches, cooking demonstrations and celebrity interviews.

    We will take care of all of the planning, MC script creation, key message development, media invitations and invite distribution, as well as participant/VIP confirmation.

    We will provide any guidance you may require on handling media questions, and will also give you a detailed Q&A document outlining ideal responses to likely media questions – plus helpful key message bridging techniques (as well as our empathetic support and emotional prep to get you ready for the big day). We will be fully on-hand on the day of the press conference to provide coaching, confidence support, and even field questions on your behalf if you so choose.

    Gemini offers full media training coaching sessions for you and your executive teams, providing some great life skills that are extremely useful even following the conclusion of your forthcoming media event or TV appearance. Please contact us for details and provisional scheduling.

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    Download our Thailand Media List and Influencer Lists to access hundreds of media organisations, news sites, editors, journalists, and online influencers – all arranged easily by sector, for your own marketing communications outreach.

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