When compared to public relations for an established corporation or an organisation, “PR for small business” is far more complex. There are a significant number of Dos and Don’ts in start-up public relations (PR in Bangkok SME industry).

There is a lot of competition out there, and startups have a hard time being noticed. Additionally, gaining the confidence of clients is a scary prospect.

Many aspects of a start-up company must be worked on, including creating a presence, earning reputation, and garnering clients’ confidence. Startups need to step up their PR efforts in order to overcome these difficulties and outperform the market. Research found approximately nine out of ten Thai citizens believe that media coverage of a firm is more reliable and powerful than advertising. Additionally, your audience’s perception of your brand may be shaped through public relations efforts at a low cost, which is what makes PR for small business powerful in terms of ROI, especially when compared to other forms of marketing such as above the line ad buying.

PR for small business

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For the purpose of assisting you in the creation of a successful public relations strategy and the management of press contacts, we’ve compiled a list of PR for small business dos and don’ts.

01. Your brand's message must be correct

Determine the message you want to send to your audience before doing PR for small business. Consider your target market’s perception of your brand. When creating a brand, focus on what your product or service can do for your customers and how you can help them.

Define your unique selling proposition, or what makes your company stand out from the crowd. Describe how your product or service will help people address their problems. Make a point of emphasising something that sets you apart from the crowd.

02. Don't be afraid to contact a journalist if you think you have a story to tell

But, before anything else, do some homework. Make a list of media contacts that are relevant to your project. Get in touch with journalists, bloggers or other influencers who could be interested in writing about your company. The following is typically included in media lists:

• First name
• Identifying characteristics
• Blog or media outlet name
• Playing a role (journalist, blogger, influencer, etc.)
• The beats have been encased
• Location
• An email address on social networking
• Recent publications have discussed
• The phone number
• Writer’s Voice (analytical, humorous, critical, etc.)
• How to get in touch with them

Reach out to the journalists in your market niche with pitches and leads about your company’s brand or product/service offerings.

In order to gain media attention, your company’s narrative must be interesting, valuable, and timely – but also “Make Sure You’re In Touch With The Media”

Maintain an awareness of the subjects and stories that are often covered by your target audience’s media outlets. Make sure you know what your target audience is interested in. Follow the industry’s top writers, bloggers, and influencers on social media. Get a sense of what they often cover.

If you’re familiar with the journalist, check out their previous work. The beats of a journalist might shift over time. For some journalists, a single area of journalism is their life’s work. You’ll have a better knowledge of their most recent works if you put in the effort to do your homework.

Although it may appear time consuming, the writer will be grateful for your efforts. Once you’ve figured out what piques the curiosity of the media, you’ll be able to better craft your press releases.

Get to know the reporters by following them on social media. Meeting the press at events like conferences and trade exhibits is an excellent way to get to know them.

Providing journalists with your experience is a terrific approach to get their attention. Building trust with journalists through Help a Reporter Out (HARO) is a great way for companies to gain earned media coverage while enhancing their reputation avoiding common pitfalls in PR for small business.

03. Don't be a psychotic stalker

Stalking journalists is a no-no. Don’t oversaturate them with communications! Wait a few days before contacting them again if you’ve previously sent an email.

If you’re a journalist or a blogger, you’ve got a lot of work to do under tight deadlines. They’ll get in touch with you if they think your pitch is compelling enough. Waiting is a virtue.

Determine whether the media professional prefers email or phone conversations before contacting them. Whenever you need to get in touch with a journalist, use the methods that they use for their job.

04. Don't misrepresent yourself, on of the most important points

Don’t exaggerate your company’s image. Remember that trust is the foundation of all relationships, even those involving public relations. You will lose your credibility and reputation if you pretend to be someone you are not. Your startup’s reputation will be tarnished if you tell a falsehood. It might do permanent harm to your health.

An ethical and expeditious businessman should keep in mind that a corporate reputation takes years to build, but one erroneous action might destroy it.

05. Don't send blanket emails to media

The spam or trash folders will be filled with generic, automated, and impersonal communications. There is nothing worse than receiving a mass-produced email. In spite of their simplicity, email blasts fall short of expectations. Every day, a journalist is bombarded with hundreds of proposals. It’s important to personalise your email. Conversions go up 10%, CTR by 14%, and the number of transactions goes up six times when you use personalised emails.

As a result, if done well, PR for small business may alter views, enhance a brand awareness, and avoid potentially negative issues from affecting enterprises. However, not every start-up is well-equipped to deal with public relations in an appropriate manner. Many small firms make PR errors that damage their public relations efforts. To be successful in public relations, brands must adhere to a set of guidelines. Startups may use the following list to ensure that their public relations efforts are a success.

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