310 client reviews (4.8/5)

Update October 2023


1,000 Media Contacts

Connect with leading editors, magazines, newspapers and websites in Thailand

Easy & Fast Media List Research

Organize, sort and filter data by media type, target audience and/or popularity

Targeted Media List by Industry

Approved contact email for all of the popular and essential media in your sector

HQ Backlinks Building

Includes website domain authority (DA) perfect for your SEO strategy


We Built Your Press Lists

We've done the research, built your perfect list of key industry media and keep it up to date. Target the people who really matter to your business. Connect with journalists, editors, bloggers, writers and other contacts to share your brand story and new products.


Manage Your Media Network

If you don't have well-organised contacts, journalists will fall through the cracks and proposals will land in the wrong inboxes. Use our smart filters to comb through your network and create niche lists. Find the most relevant media contacts for every pitch, every time.

Thailand media contacts
Thailand media database


Reach Your Target Audience

Reach your audience wherever they are. Use our media list to submit your releases by media type. Share your story online on websites and social media or offline in magazines and newspapers. Send the right message, to the right person, at the right time. At any time.


SEO Boost, Findable News

If you have ever had problems with coverage, it is likely that your position on search engine results pages is holding you back. Check out the power of having high quality links appear instantly when you search for your business on Google. It's extra organic traffic and who doesn't want it?

Media list seo backlinks
Thailand PDPA compliant


Respect Contacts' Privacy

Media contacts often cannot unsubscribe when you send them emails. This is not in line with the new PDPA policy. Our media contact list is public and complies with the Data Protection Act. Reach out to uncommitted contacts and see what happens: while remaining PDPA compliant.

Published your Stories on 1,000 News Channels

A result of many months of knowledge sharing, data curation, information revision and structured analysis, the Media List available in the e-store will give you hundreds of media organisations, news sites, editors, journalists, opinion leaders and influential independent media – all arranged easily by sector, for your own research and marketing communications outreach.

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Frequently Asked Questions

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PR professionals working in public relations agencies all possess and constantly develop their own personal lists of key industry people, which enables them to build relationships with media editors and journalists, as well as use it for press release distribution.

It is close to impossible for people who do not work in media and PR to be able to develop their own media lists of personal connections. This is because the private information of key leaders in the field is not known to the uninitiated (and private data also cannot be shared or sold online due to new data protection laws, and also clearly for reasons of ethics). If you were to try to build your own deep, valuable list, it would take many years, and most of it you would not have access to anyway – without being at media events, industry gatherings, having drinking buddies who are writers and commentators in Thailand, etc.

There is also the additional challenge that a lot of guarded media information and contact details in the Kingdom is in Thai language only, and so is useless to overseas businesses looking to build connections with Thai editors and media platform owners.

The media list Thailand on offer in the e-store contains a full list of essential media organisations, contact names and (approved) direct contact methods – nothing confidential/protected, but nevertheless rich, helpful, and a great way for you to begin mailing out releases and event invitations to key media.

The COVID-19 pandemic is a catastrophe that exacerbates the digital disruption problem, prompting Thai media to scramble to make the required modifications in order to survive and adapt their business practices in order to generate money.

It has also compelled Thai media to rethink how they offer their material and differentiate themselves in order to capture the attention of customers whose media consumption habits have been transformed by technology in the age of digital disruption.

01. Newspaper media list

Print media advertising spending fell, continuing a decreasing trend for this media medium that began before the COVID-19 epidemic. This might mean that the era of conventional print is coming to an end.

To better adapt to consumer habits in the digital era, many conventional media organizations reorganized their businesses and made improvements such as resizing, adding new channels for displaying their content, and becoming full-fledged online media companies last year. Download your media list to get access to all print and now online newspapers. An opportunity for your online referencing!

02. Magazine media list

The position for magazines is similar to that of newspapers, particularly in terms of how they strive to provide material on other platforms such as websites and social media. It might be argued that if they can overcome adversity, they will be able to compete in the digital age.

Many magazine publishers and magazine stands have changed their sales approach in the last year by producing digital publications that include both current and older editions. In the New Normal age, which has transformed people’s lifestyles all around the world, the technique helps convert catastrophe into opportunity.

03. Website media list

Internet Media, often known as Online Media, remained the media format with the second-highest advertising spending behind television. This year, internet media continues to flourish, and the role of online and social media in Thai society is becoming increasingly important.

Websites continue to be a popular way for practically all types of businesses to exchange news and information with their target audiences. It is an internet platform that enables website owners to control and maintain their own content. The functions differ from those of social media. The social media platform controls the majority of the social media algorithms.

As a result, websites continue to be an important internet medium for many sorts of enterprises, including the media sector. There has been a recent surge of new websites launching everyday, especially news and media websites.

04. Social media list

Thais utilize social media for a number of reasons, including keeping up with the news, having fun, selling products and services, and expressing their political views. Each social media site has its own advantages and target audiences.

Media organizations with origins in print and analog television may leverage social media sites such as Facebook, Twitter, LINE, and even TikTok to distribute material disseminated on their primary channel in order to broaden their reach to other demographics.

05. Digital TV media list

Television Media Despite the lack of considerable expansion, TV media has continued to capture people’s interest. When the magnitude of TV advertising spending is considered, the market value of TV media stays high. TV advertising spending in Thailand continues to surpass ad spending in other media types.

Digital TV news providers are one of the media forms that everyone should keep an eye on in 2021, as they are predicted to receive a lot of attention as a result of the New Normal lifestyle. People are spending more time at home, and they expect to get their news from digital television.

06. Radio media list

Since music streaming services gained popularity and snatched up radio listenership in recent years, radio stations have had to react in order to maintain income. The technique adopted by radio stations to create money remained the same as in previous years — extending out to other media to earn cash rather than relying primarily on radio advertising.

The media list Thailand available in the e-store contains hundreds upon hundreds of lines of data which provides a strong framework for media contact curation, outreach planning, distribution coordination, etc; and if you thus far have no media list of your own, this dataset will advance your efforts by years immediately.

It will give you the ability to target subsets of key media organisations and decision-making stakeholders, as well as specific editors and journalists within your field or area of interest. The file is presented in XLS format for easy sorting and data extraction and export. You can remap the data as you see fit, whilst also applying your own visual design to the media list if required for your own internal reporting purposes.

Thailand is a prime target economy for businesses globally, especially operators in China, the wider Asia region, the EU as well as American corporations all keen to get a slice of the pie. Whilst it’s possible to reach consumers in Thailand via online ads or via the appointment of KOLs and influencers, these routes are very expensive and offer no guarantee that your views or posts will translate to engagement or action.

The up-to-date media list is a much more effective tool for connectivity to audiences, because it offers advantages both for outbound marketing AND inbound capture. Why? Because you are able to distribute your releases direct to your targets and send invitations and event updates and news; plus, when press releases are published on external sites with good Domain Authority and backlinks, these have a massive beneficial impact on your website’s SEO performance.

That’s why the media list Thailand, available for purchase in its complete media list format in the e-store, also tells you the domain authority of many of the digital platforms which feature in the curation of key (tier-A) and tier-B media, as well as independent sites and online news platforms. There are also plenty of Facebook News sites in there too, as these are incredibly popular in Thailand as a primary and highly influential source of news for media consumers across all demographics.

How you use the information on your media list Thailand is completely up to you. Whilst it is more likely that a media platform will publish news and releases from trusted PR sources, it’s certainly true that any story of relevance and interest to a consumer base is likely to be published. A quick tip here is to ensure your release is not written in the first person (we, you), and does not feature grandiose adjectives (amazing, innovative) – this is so the newsdesk editor does not have to waste time editorialising, which makes it less likely your news will be featured.

If you send out a timely, factual, accurate and significant release to those contacts on the media list which are most relevant (targeting), then you have every chance of making an impact with your newly acquired list.

Yes, although the onus is on you to ensure your release is well-written, in an industry format and is relevant to their readership. The media list available to buy will equip you with everything you need to get up and running and have your very own “gold standard” top level media list Thailand, so you can get going with your communications efforts and relationship building straight away.

You may think of the list as both a “starter kit” to kick off your media marketing push, as well as a very high-quality data curation tool which can form the basis of your new CRM system, all ready to go from Day One. It saves literally months of research and possibly years of building bridges through networking events, media attendance at third party programs, etc.

This depends entirely on the CRM system being used. As long as it has a capability of importing raw data in the .xls file format, it should work perfectly. We do not currently offer the media list in any other format besides the spreadsheet format, but if you have a specific requirement beyond what is available in the e-store, please reach out for a personalised quotation.

Social media influencers are a type of media personalities that Thais like to follow. YouTube is the most popular platform among influencers, followed by Instagram, Facebook and Twitter. Meanwhile, TikTok is a thriving platform that gained a lot of attention from influencers last year.

For the purposes of media outreach data curation, the two groups are treated differently. Media is magazines, newspaper, TV, radio, news sites and bloggers; KOLs are single people not typically organisations, and ply their trade on Instagram, TikTok and Youtube. We have separate lists available in the e-store for data curations specifically on Thai KOLs. The media list Thailand is for media only, i.e.- those in the first group as described here.

This can take many years, and it may mean going to events, or participating in work opportunities with media organisations, such as pitching your own creative content and offering to be a source of future content or industry insight. Staff working in PR firms are able to build media relations very quickly for two reasons; first, the media come to their clients’ events, and second, they have team members in the agency around them who they can hit up for close contact info.

The unexcitingly named “media list” is exactly what it sounds like, a data curation of important and influential media organisations, platforms, and the people who work there and make decisions on what gets featured. In the world of public relations, there are two “levels” of the media list Thailand. One is highly confidential, contains personal contact info of closest friends who work in the industry, and would never be shared externally for two reasons – one, it is illegal and unethical to do so, and the other is that the confidential media list is the biggest competitive advantage an agency or a PR executive has at their disposal.

The top-level media list, which is what is available for purchase in the e-store, is a valuable data curation that can be used for direct contact with media organisations, editors, journalists, bloggers, platforms and news sites (where that information is publicly solicited). It does not contain any personal private data – it remains a massively useful tool which goes far beyond what any non-media organisation has at their fingertips previously.