There are many different types of formats you may consider when thinking about media events and participatory activations. One popular format is the “Talk Show Style”, and in this article, we’re going to look at how best to deliver this, and what you should consider as you’re either putting your event plan together yourself, or working in harmony with your PR partner to deliver it.

Talk Show vs Panel Discussion

A panel discussion event is where one or two of your company spokespersons will take their place on stage or in the event room and are joined alongside two other experts who will present discussion and argument on your proposed subject. The two other guests could be other industry stakeholders, members of government or industry trade bodies, and could perhaps be joined by one of your customers or even a willing member of the public for whom your service solution has helped or positively transformed their life.

Talk show style event

Hosting Media Event in the TV Show Format

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In an education-tech type panel, for example, you may have your school head, your marketing head, a student alumni member, and a member of government. This would be a great, interesting and elegant way to setting up your panel; it’s also likely to garner some interest from the industry and also from the media.

You can think of a talk show style event as being like the above but more relaxed, less formal, and perhaps with a more lifestyle spin, using sofa seating arrangements as the centrepiece.

Talk Show Presentation in Thailand

Think of the popular US-style talk shows you’ve seen on TV, and you will notice there are several components which make them come across as entertaining and authentic. You will need to have:

• A talk show host (hire MC in Thailand)
• At least one guest on the sofa, and probably two.
• A nice, comfortable and visually engaging studio space
• A live audience, or equipment for live casting online (or at least post recording)
• Suitable lighting rig, and recording equipment

It’s also advised you have an “MC script” which will explain to the host the various sections and running order of your show. They may well go off script for much of the show, but at least this document will have all the timings of the segments, your guests’ names and the key messages that your team needs to get across during the show format.

Advantages of the Talk Show Format

The first advantage of a TV-style talk show chat is that the sofa format is relaxing for all. Your guests will be more easily encouraged to feel more chilled out, while your team members and spokespersons are more likely to enjoy the format, particularly if they have had no formal media relationship training (traditional press conferences can be intimidating for the uninitiated).

The format also gives you the option of creating a more cool and more lifestyle type of set, whereas a more staid panel discussion format can come across as being more akin to a lecture theatre type setup.

It also more effectively enables cross-talk amongst your guests, where a panel typically involves only one person speaking at a time and taking it in turns. This creates a more lively and engaging presentation, and can foster humour and wit as your guests exchange views and insights in a more “friendly” packaging format, Tv show-style.

It’s important to note that your proposed studio space set-up needs to look visually impressive, so some thought will need to go into the furniture and backdrop. This is perhaps one area where the old-school panel can be easier to set up; in a panel, attention is on one speaker at a time, so you don’t need a sweeping, beautiful and expressive studio space to make it work.

Considerations on setting up a TV style talk show discussion event

The TV show format gives you a great opportunity to introduce special guests, bring in influencers (creating collaboration chances and greater exposure online) and also show to guests new activations you may have, introduce products via live unveils, and more.

It’s an adaptable format which is photogenic (therefore good for social media), is usually a hit with live audiences as they feel they are participating, and is flexible to offer you breakout areas you can use for other mini activations and gimmicks.

If you’re thinking about hosting a media event in the TV Show format, of course one of the main considerations is how to get media guests there in the first place. This is where your PR partner is invaluable, leveraging their media connections and creating a buzz in the build-up phase, as well as handling aspects of invitation, RSVP and publishing follow-up following the successful conclusion of your great show.

Thailand studio venues

Bangkok is particularly notable for offering a good selection of both dedicated live casting studio spaces, as well as more standard type of business facilities within hotels which are able to cater to your guests with F&B and hospitality offerings, making your studio guests and audience part of a broader and more complete entertainment experience.

Speak to us today to discuss your exact requirements.

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