Interactivity, Engagement, Dynamism And The “Combined Experiential Journey”

Planning a 360-degree program in support of a fashion brand’s new product or collection launch is a challenge in terms of opportunity diversification. Whilst a core focus on the product can be the main thrust of the message, in order to generate media magnetism in a packed field, we must consider our program in terms of it having genuine lateral reach.

The musical artists and DJs who will support your event, the influencers and KOLs you seek to partner, the local and international media guests you have marked as “must-haves,” as well as the technical execution, must all be flawlessly conceived.

Fashion PR agency Thailand

Further, you also need to consider the co-branding partnerships you are able to leverage in order to elevate the perceived prominence of your program – as well as help in managing delivery cost.

Distinctiveness, interactivity, engagement, dynamism and the “combined experiential journey” are crucial elements of a launch program, even those taking place virtually, which brings knock-out wow factor and lasting top-of-mind recall among your target stakeholder groups (not least of all your country manager, whose budget is comping the show).

Fashion PR Services

Better PR Is Ready For You. Are You?

    No hidden fees. No crazy markup. No inflated PR values

    Bangkok Is An Amazing Crucible For Your Capsule Launch Or Co-Branded Experiential Fashion Marketing Event

    Thai consumers are keenly attuned to the perceived desire to look great and live the “his-so” lifestyle, even if just for those fleeting and carefully augmented IG shots at home. A luxury goods consumer paradise as well as a hot-bed of emerging creative talent in the realms of fashion and designer clothes and accessories, BKK is the space your fashion brand needs to be in APAC. It’s part of the reason we choose to headquarter here, too.

    Of all the PR agencies who choose to base in the City of Angels, we are most able to create, plan, exercise and deliver a highly effective PR plan and comms delivery platform in harmony with your seasonal collection launch planning and retail activation calendars. From Ecco Shoes to SaSa, Uniqlo to on-the-ground retail promos at Hang Lung’s Fashion Walk, our fashion PR agency is your team at the leading edge of where brands, social influencers, consumers, media, business investors and headline international attractions all converge.

    Beauty PR agency Thailand

    Bangkok is also an exceptional environment in terms of the sheer number of breathtakingly pretty launch spaces available to you for your launch activation, show or brand introduction. As the hospitality sector struggles to get back on its feet post-pandemic, price sensitivity among competing F&B and hotel partners means a wealth of opportunity for unlocking your ROI and bringing new collections to market in amazing venues.

    Most Popular Influencers For Thailand Beauty & Fashion In 2022

    We Will Throw The Switch As Your Fashion Icons Hit The Runway And Light Up The Social Channels

    Long before your event takes place, however, you need the market’s top consultant on side to make sure you have everything you need in terms of deliverables, KPI-killing and essential event management support services.

    Our fashion PR agency will throw the switch as your fashion icons hit the runway and light up the social channels, with your hashtags and promo codes all that is on the mind of a new generation of style-conscious, fashion-led consumer lifestyle user-choosers in Krungthep and beyond.

    Meet your team before to work with us

    Fashion PR Agency in Bangkok

    Publish on 250+ News & Social Channels

    Download our Thailand Media List and Influencer Lists to access hundreds of media organisations, news sites, editors, journalists, and online influencers – all arranged easily by sector, for your own marketing communications outreach.

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