Because We’re A PR Agency First, Our SEO Content Is Pretty, Powerful And On-Point

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SEO content, or Search Engine Optimized content, is written material which first and foremost has been created for the specific reason of capturing Google search results to bring people to your website. You may notice on the Gemini FAQ sections, for example, that the subheadings of our questions are a little “wonky” grammatically; this is because they have been designed to bring those of you searching for PR-related questions and answers straight to our pages (You’re welcome! We’re happy that works…!). So it is quite common to have to weigh up something of a balance between beautiful, elegant prose and straight-up search content that gets you where you need to be in terms of search engine ‘rankability’.

SEO content Thailand

Your first port of call should be Google Keywords Planner, a Google tool which allows you to enter your target search terms and check the volume of monthly searches that happen on those words. This is useful in discovering which words to NOT target too, as you may find you have been creating content rich in keywords that have a low search volume.

Google and other search engines respond well to your content when the pages on your website contain text which is rich in keywords but not “stuffed”, so don’t go overboard by trying to bend every sentence to repeatedly restate keywords again and again.

If you are not sure how to get started with your SEO activities regarding content creation that delivers the web traffic you need, please get in touch with us via the content form and we’d be delighted to help you out.

Because your content plays two essential roles on your website. The first is to communicate your key information to visitors and customers; the second is to enable people to find you in the first place. Again, you may consider providing a balance of content, a balance between very search-optimized stuff and also some prettier material that describes your brand, creative programs, etc.

You will find it greatly rewarding in terms of search results to have content which contains a wealth of both types of content, and that which has real depth throughout your pages. This means that when Google’s spider crawls your pages, it will see value, structure, relevance and consistency.

SEO can play a considerable role in your digital marketing activities, and for this reason, you may consider it as part of your wider communications strategy and PR planning. Please speak to us to find out ways in which we can support both your digital marketing and mass communication campaigns, content builds and overall direction-setting.

The primary target for your SEO content writing efforts will be your actual company website. This is because your site is your primary home on the internet, and therefore it makes complete sense to try to attract people there (i.e.- optimize that) first.

Another aspect of building the SEO credibility of your pages is blog content. Posting regular, short opinion articles and news pieces for your site on a daily or almost-daily basis is very helpful in growing your SEO footprint.

Other areas can be optimized too, which may include your press releases, advertorials, event collaterals and of course your social media content. Speak to us today to discover ways in which we can drive your program today.

Rules and best practices are changing very regularly, and what worked well last year may not be the best approach to getting discovered today. Gemini, being a next-gen PR company founded in the digital era and very much at home working on up-to-the-minute improvements for all of our clients, and means too that we’re very happy working at the front of that frontier.

Call us today for a free consultation, or simply email in your RFP. Let’s achieve digital success together!

SEO Content Services

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